So… It’s been a year. That’s four issues. One for each season. This is the fifth, meaning we are now starting our second year of BoomerLitMag. Fun folks that we are, we decided to celebrate with a reading with some of our authors. And what better place to celebrate than a brewery, and one with a literary name to boot! Sisyphus Brewery in Minneapolis. Not surprisingly, some of our readers came prepared with poems featuring the classical Sisyphus.
This was a great opportunity to hear our writers read their work, a different experience than reading off the screen. There was also a lot of laughter and fun as we (Steve and Leonard) got to practice our comedy shtick–sort of the Marx Brothers meet Cain and Abel–while author Carol Masters made us all laugh recounting her times being arrested as a lifelong political activist. We know, that doesn’t sound funny, but…you had to be there.
BoomerLitMag Reading. Back row: Editors Leonard Lang and Stephen Peters; Writers Carol Masters, Andrew O’Kelley, Daniel Gabriel, and Kate Hallett Dayton. Front row: Margaret Hasse, Morgan Grayce Willow, and Mary Kay Rummel
We believe this issue is an excellent start to our second year of publication. The work ranges from jazz clubs with the greats in NYC to the vicissitudes of starting a writing career in middle age.
Happy reading, and Like us on Facebook,
Leonard Lang and Stephen Peters, Editors